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  • Writer's pictureTina Makuto

Brett Kavanaugh will Always Exist.

Being socially aware in 2018 is exhausting. Exhausting because it seems like everyday there’s a new headline detailing a really big, really terrible event that happened somewhere in the world. It’s exhausting because it feels like these terrible headlines are never going to end and that no matter what I or anyone does all these bad things will continue to happen. Which triggers this overwhelming, spirit-crushing, disheartening feeling that despite the progression and reform my friends, myself and really my whole generation strives for. To no avail we’re still experiencing problems our grandparents did, and that really, really sucks. One of those many terrible headlines that crushed my spirit recently was the Brett Kavanaugh case. If you don’t know, Brett Kavanaugh is an American lawyer who, in July of 2018 was nominated by U.S president, Donald Trump for the supreme court. Amidst his nomination, multiple women came forth with sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. One woman in specific- Christine Blasey Ford sparked a national conversation surrounding sexual assault and believing victims. In her allegations, Ford detailed how, at a high school party in the early 80's Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her. For the sake of getting to the point, here is Ford's full statement. Kavanaugh denied everything, from ever being at the party to the assault ever taking place, claiming that Ford had lied. After a hearing and an FBI investigation into some of the allegations, justice was "served" and Kavanaugh was confirmed into the supreme court. The most frustrating factor of this whole story, of this whole case is that despite everything, Brett Kavanaugh was still confirmed as supreme court justice. And, to that I ask how? How is that we live in a world where a man can have multiple sexual assault allegations brought against him, but still be considered and confirmed for the highest of courts. Shouldn’t a sexual assault allegation against a supreme court justice nominee automatically discount their eligibility? Shouldn’t a sexual assault allegation against a supreme court justice nominee make them completely illegible to run or be confirmed into the highest court in the United States? And, yes I know, you’re innocent until proven guilty and obviously that applies to Kavanaugh, who was found not guilty. However, the whole job of a supreme court justice is based on integrity and honesty. Kavanaugh as a nominee had all that jeopardized within the first few months of his nomination which alone, should discount his whole eligibility.

Understanding how and why Kavanaugh was confirmed supreme court justice is a long, headache-inducing road, but one that we need to understand. It unfortunately all comes down to rape culture which according to Google definitions is, “A sociological concept for a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.”. Not only does rape culture include the normalization and pervasive attitudes within a society to sexual assault incidents and victims, but the trivialization of both victims and sexual assault incidents. In simpler terms this means that rapists protect rapists, for example, someone like Brett Kavanaugh was able to be confirmed into the highest, most esteemed court in the United States simply because society, his fellow esteemed peers and rape culture allowed him to. Rape culture allows for Brock Turner to not be kicked out of university and continue on with his “normal life” after raping an innocent girl. Rape culture allows for Donald Trump to be elected president despite having a multitude of sexual assault claims against him. Rape culture allows for rapists to live comfortable lives with little to no consequences. Rape culture allows for victims all over the world to suffer in silence for silence is better and “safer” for them then coming forward and speaking up about their stories. All this is allowed because our societies, institutions and countries have been built on hundreds of years of colonialism, toxic hyper-masculinity, and weaponizing sexual assault as a tool of power.

"Brock Turners grow up to be Brett Kavanaugh's who make the rules for the Brock Turners.”


When so much of what we are as a society and really, a world is based in the systemic oppression of others there’s very little myself or you, or mere individuals can do to change it. Which is incredibly disheartening, however we can change the conversation surrounding these topics. From racism to gender based violence to homophobia to sexual assault, we can’t change the whole entire world, but we can definitely change ourselves and our dialogue. So, to Christine Blasey Ford and any and every victim of sexual assault in the world, I hear you, you’re valid and I and many others will do everything we possibly can to make sure your voice is heard in the world. The world is changing and so is the conversation around sexual assault. With each new allegation, with each new incident, we are one step closer to defeating the stigma and dismantling the systems that empower and uphold rapists. Never stop sharing your stories (please).



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