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  • Writer's pictureTina Makuto

Tips for the Confused Grade Nine From a Confused Grade Twelve.

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

Hello, my name is Tina Makuto and I am the “confused grade twelve”, I say I’m confused for a number of reasons, main one being this intermittent voice in the back of my head- which surfaced quite recently and keeps posing the question of how the hell I got here (here as in grade twelve) and what the hell I want to do with my life. You see I used to always think I had the answer to the latter question, when I was younger I so desperately and surely wanted to be a psychologist. I wanted to know about the human mind and “like, study it” and then I grew up and released being a psychologist had a lot more to it and jobs weren’t guaranteed unless you did like 12 years of school. And yes, I am so painfully aware of the fact that no matter what you decide to do there is no absolute guarantee that you will get a job anywhere, but I figured if I’m screwed either way (pursuing something I kind of like just to get no job, or pursuing something I have a genuine wholehearted interest in and not getting a job). I might as well do something I genuinely like and for me that’s writing. I love to write, I love expressing my thoughts and everything I don't know how to say out loud through my writing. And you, confused grade nine do not need to have an answer to this question just yet, I mean it’s good to think about 'it', but with everything else you genuinely do need to worry and stress about what you want to do post-secondary is not high up on that list. So, because I’m so very nice I have decided to compile a list of my own personal tips to surviving and getting through high school, in the best most efficient ways possible, enjoy!

  • Do your homework (ON TIME)

You know that teacher that always says they’re going to “check the homework” and actually never does, so each time- like a good kid, you complete your homework. Then one night you’ve decided not to complete said homework “he/she won’t even check it anyway” you tell yourself as you start a new series on Netflix. Now, I don’t know how this works or if it’s some sick cosmic joke, but that day, that one day you decide not to complete your homework is the day said teacher will decide to check the homework, and now you’re that kid who didn’t do their homework. Just do it, there’s nothing to lose.

  • Grade nine/ten DO matter

Okay, this is such a common misconception spread by older siblings to younger siblings everywhere, you know the first day of school and your sister/brother pulls you aside to assure you that “grade nine doesn’t matter, neither does grade ten just have fun!”. And technically, they're not wrong in the grand scheme that is your academic career grade nine and ten of highschool are so miniscule it hurts. However, coming from someone who took that advice a little too literally, please continue being the best version of yourself you can be, regardless of what grade you’re in. Grade nine and ten is the time where you get to really figure yourself out, and academically there isn’t too much stress, so develop good habits and good work ethic to set a good tone for the rest of your highschool life, please.

  • Go to that party (if you want to)

I don’t really have anything else to add to this, it’s fairly simple, go to that party, hang out with those people, hang out with that guy/girl you’ve been eyeing for sometime. Highschool goes by incredibly quick and the last thing you want to have when you’re walking across that auditorium stage is regret. Have fun.

  • You will not be friends with your friends forever. And that’s OK.

Now, this isn’t really a tip or anything, but a fact. You will not stay best friends with the group of people you entered high school with, high school poses a lot of new experiences/opportunities for everyone. It is a moment in your life where you’re going through such an acceleration of change, physically, mentally and emotionally. While realizing a lot about yourself you will realize a lot about your friends/people/the type of people you want to surround yourself with, and inevitably you will fall apart from the friends you entered high school with. And trust me, it doesn’t happen how you think it does, it’s not like there comes one random day where you and all your friends suddenly decide to have some catastrophic fight and never talk to each other again. No, it happens slowly the first day of school you all get your schedules and only have one class together; gym. In that moment it seems okay we’ll make it work, we’ll hang out during lunch, it’s okay. Until the first couple months go by, and you all made new friends while being in other classes, you start hanging out with other people at lunch, you join a few clubs and next thing you know it’s December and you all haven’t hung out in a long time. Then you come back from the holidays, enter your gym class and look at the people you used to be so close with and realize they’re apart of your past and that you, too are apart of their past. And it doesn’t have to hurt or be sad or be anything you don’t want it to be, its part of growing up and understanding that you are an ever-changing being, and you don’t have to like everything you used to like. It’s okay.

  • You don’t have to go to university because you think it’s what you have to do.

I’ve said this probably like a million times, but highschool is a weird time. A time where you will grow a lot, and everyone around you will grow too. You will also come across a lot of self realization and whatever preconceived notions you had regarding what life is/should be like will alter, greatly. One of those notions that may or may not change is your perception of university, and what that even means for you. Although I can’t answer that question seeing as it’s still one I’m trying to figure out, I do want it to be known to everyone that you do not need to go to university to be happy or to lead a fulfilling, successful life. There are so, so many different paths to success and how your life can go and it doesn’t have to be one uniform way; listen to yourself, know what works best for yourself, and don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to. Going to university is a choice. Success is subjective anyways.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.

I look back to my grade nine year with the biggest most annoying feeling of pure cringe I was so sure that I knew everything about everything, and I really thought I had it all figured out. Which is hilarious because I didn't- newsflash no one does and it was very obvious that I didn't know everything, due to this weird insecurity I had I refused any and all help. In my head asking for help was a sign of weakness (?) by me asking for clarification regarding homework, or an essay question or exactly what MLA format was, it would show that I didn't know what I was doing and god forbid anyone found out that I didn't know what I was doing. So, I suffered quite a bit because of this I missed out on a good amount of marks and opportunities because I never asked for help. If I can give any type of advice to anyone; do not be afraid to ask for help! It does not make you look weak, or stupid or anything other than someone who just needs clarification which is OK. Teachers are there to help, and trust me you lose nothing by asking for help.

  • Try to volunteer for organizations you're genuinely interested in.

In Ontario every highschool student- in order to graduate is required to partake in a minum number of 25-40hrs of volunteering/community service. Volunteer hours are definitely one of the things you think you have all the time to do and yes, you do have a full four years to complete them, but if you haven't realized yet those four years fly by. So little tip within a tip, finish them as soon as you can trust me worrying about your volunteer hours (or lack thereof) is the last thing you want to stress about when you're in the 12th grade. Finding places to volunteer always seems to be the part where people get stuck, I've had friends tell me they've had more luck finding a job than volunteer opportunities. As funny as that is, it's not true at all! I am pretty lucky to live and go to school in Toronto where really cool volunteer opportunities are in abundance, it's just a matter of looking around. Volunteer Toronto ( is an amazing website for people of all ages to get connected in volunteer opportunities all around Toronto and the GTA. And the nice thing about it is you can find positions for a whole bunch of cool organizations, that you may have a genuine interest in. In short, try to apply to volunteer for organizations you genuinely like. Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet people you may not meet if you weren't volunteering thus leading to potential new networking possiblities and just having some really cool contacts/references you have for future use!

Well looks like I'm finally done my very intensive list of tips, I have TIPped enough for one girl (hehe..). I hope these tips are ones that people of really all ages and walks of life can look to and learn something new. I also want it to be known that I am not claiming to be a "master of highschool" or anything, for I am still learning and navigating stuff out for myself. However, these tips are just a very small fraction of the many things I've figured out, and some added things I wish people told me prior to starting highschool, what you decide to do (or not do) with them is up to you. Once again thanks for reading and let me know what else you'd like to see from me!



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