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All About me

Well hi there! My name is Tina Makuto and welcome to my blog, one that if we're being honest I never thought I'd get around to actually making. Although I really wanted to, trust me! I just kept making really lame excuses to myself as to why I couldn't start a blog that day, or the next... Anyways, I am currently 17 and live in Toronto, Ontario, I'm in grade 12 and I have dreams to be a journalist one day. I actually have such vivid and detailed descriptions of the girl I want to be when I'm older and I want writing/journalism to be part of that so bad, so I'm kind of at this state in my life where I am ready to do everything I need to in order to be that girl I've dreamt up. Which pushed me, this September to create this blog, detailing all the many thoughts I have running through my mind, all the time. Now, you probably have a quesiton regarding the name of this blog; Love, birdy, maybe a couple; first being why second being.. why? Luckily I do have an answer to that question; "birdy" is a nickname that was given to me by my dad, and I've had it ever since birth, matter of fact my whole family still calls me "birdy" -- to this day. I remember one day I went to my dad in a cloud of frusturatrion regarding this age old nickname of mine demanding answers of why, why I had to plagued with such a nickname. To that he answered "well, you talk a lot." which is the most simplistic explanation ever, but  true. So, birdy's stuck with me ever since, even after my dad died. Which happened in 2016 sending me into the hardest most terrible year of my life. I went through a lot that year, through it all the main thing I realized is that life goes on and will forever continue to continue being, despite what I may be facing or experiencing life will happen and all I know is that I want to be apart of it, I want to be an acitve part in my life. So here I am making this blog using a nickname given to me by my dad, participating in life. I hope you all enjoy reading this and the many articles I will come to write!

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